Mental Health Resources

Life after high school can be exciting, yet challenging. This may be a time of transition for many of you. Many of you have decided to stay home and join the workforce and/or college, while others may have moved away from home for the first time to join the military and/or attend a college out of your hometown.

Whichever your situation may be, you are on that journey for a reason. You will thrive! In the journey to do so, we hope you are caring for yourself and your mental health.

Anxiety and Depression Association of America research demonstrates that there is a need for mental health support at the college level. About 80% of students report they feel stress on a daily basis. If you are feeling stressed, depressed, anxious, please know you are not alone and there are people and resources that will support you!

Please consider the resources below and share them with your loved ones.

Practicing self-care

Our team prioritizes mental wellness and self-care throughout the work week. These are among the many ways we pay attention to our own health & wellness.

  • Going on walks
  • FaceTiming loved ones
  • Houseparty app
  • Journaling
  • Cooking or Baking
  • Fun Digital Art on Vibrant Safe Space Tool


Free 1:1 Counseling

KIPP National is partnering with Talk Space therapy to provide weekly counseling sessions for KIPP alumni for up to 6 months. Talk Space offers clinical 1:1 counseling via Zoom and text. Participation is confidential. 

Complete the enrollment online

Palo Alto University

The PAU eClinic is a full online clinic offering mental health services to students, adults, and older adults in California. All counselors are advanced graduate students of Palo Alto University working under the supervision of licensed therapists and psychologists in California.

More information here.


Crisis Text Line

Talking about your feelings can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be! If you or a loved one needs someone to talk to, text HELLO to 741741 any day or any time to talk to a trained counselor.

The conversation you have with the Crisis Text Line will be confidential. It can be challenging to open up to a stranger about what is going on. Please know that the person you are talking to on the other line cares about you and will help you throughout everything.